I once read that counseling and psychotherapy is like a talk show and the client is the only guest. Although I am not quick with humor, I am warm, sincere, respectful and down to earth. I will honor you as a valued guest. If I’m not the right counselor for you, I will help you to find what you need.
As a counselor, I practice from an action oriented perspective focusing on wellness, client strengths and skill building to promote growth, develop resiliency and to master life challenges. We hear a lot these days about ‘positive psychology’. Counselors have always practiced positive psychology!
You and I are partners in an interactive process. The process often works best with weekly or every other week appointments. An interactive process produces results fairly quickly, usually months, not years. You will benefit from my feedback that allows you to quickly put into action what you learn.
My feedback allows you to use your insight for faster growth. In individual therapy, the time between sessions is where change occurs: we talk about things, you think them over, make some changes and we continue to refine the process. In couple and group therapy change occurs in real time, during the sessions.